Tuesday, November 21, 2006


the begining

The idea to build the "vitrine" came out during the youth exchange : we need something noticeable and visible at the entrance of Pekarna, to promote the place but also to inform the visitors about what is going on behind these walls covered up with graffiti...a group of Belgian guys size the idea and starts assembling woodcuts, piercing, nailing down, screwing down, painting....but 10 days are not enough, come back very soon guys !

the ending...and more

They came back indeed in november to finish building it...and more : the first work of one belgian artist was added on one side, and there will exibited in the vitrina each month a different artist...From an idea to a project, from a short term limited result to a long term network of creativity ; easy, isn´it ?

a detail of the first work exibited in the vitrine, by Antoine MILIAN

The following : more details about the project

- la vitrine is managed by Benoit Milan, Paul Destieu, Maxime Berthou, Luce Moreau, as part as the association la vitrine located in Belgium
- la vitrine is a contemporary cultural space, involved in promoting and developing european quality art practices.
- la vitrine is divided in two spaces : a four meter square show room designed to exhibit an artist´s work selected each month, a five hundred meter square galery in which events and collectiv exhibitions will be set- up every six months, gathering works and artists exhibited in the show room.

- la vitrine ´s financial is based on private money investments, european and local public money investmants, sponsoring and volonteer involvments that each managers of the association la vitrine develop.

- la vitrine is willing to develop comunication between Pekarna center and a larger local and european public.

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